
Thenumberzeroisaninteger.AndItistheonlyintegerwhichdoesn'thaveanysign.,2022年7月3日—ThecorrectoptionisDNon-positiveinteger.Asweknow,0isaninteger,whichisneithernegativenorpositive.Non-negativeintegersare ...,Zeroisneitherpositivenornegative.Itistheonlynumberwithsuchcharacteristics.Thenumberstotherightofzeroonthenumberlinearepositiveand ...,Anintegerispositiveifitisgreaterthanzero,andnegativeifi...

Is zero an integer?

The number zero is an integer. And It is the only integer which doesn't have any sign.

What kind of integer is 0 ?

2022年7月3日 — The correct option is D Non-positive integer. As we know, 0 is an integer, which is neither negative nor positive. Non-negative integers are ...

Zero is a positive integer since it doesn't carry any negative ...

Zero is neither positive nor negative. It is the only number with such characteristics. The numbers to the right of zero on the number line are positive and ...


An integer is positive if it is greater than zero, and negative if it is less than zero. Zero is defined as neither negative nor positive. The ordering of ...

Is Zero an Even or an Odd Number?

2023年11月30日 — As a whole number that can be written without a remainder, 0 classifies as an integer. So to determine whether it is even or odd, we must ask ...

Is 0 an integer?

2015年8月7日 — Zero is an integer, but it isn't positive. It's not negative either. It is nonnegative and nonpositive, though.

Is zero an integer or a whole number?

2020年7月26日 — Yes 0 is an integer because it does not have a fractional part or component. 0 plus any integer is an integer. Example: 0 + 5 = 5. All numbers ...

State true or false

2020年7月30日 — Complete step-by-step answer: Let us answer this question now. As mentioned in the hint provided above, integers are a set of numbers that ...

Is 0 a Positive Integer? A Complete Explanation, with Proof

2023年4月22日 — Zero is an integer, but it's neither positive nor negative. It's the only number that's not positive or negative. Zero is neither greater than ...